MHS gets hyped up for homecoming at pep rally!
This year’s pep rally was quite a crazy one, featuring the senior class president ripping off his shirt to reveal his cross country uniform, several “pieings” (one including a kiss), and some killer performances by the marching band, the Chiefettes, and the cheerleading teams. The homecoming court consisted of seniors Sarah Whelan and JP McConnell as Queen and King respectively, seniors Kristin Ader and Stephen Urli as members of the court, and juniors Jenna Morales and Christian DeNave and princess and prince respectively. Though this does not cover everything that happened at the pep rally, this year’s event was fun, exciting, and definitely one to remember. Luckily, if you couldn’t make it to pep rally or were entering with a sport, some moments were captured by Danielle Swartz which can be seen below.
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