“Gooooood morning MHS!” – the work of the WMHS radio students

Imagine walking through the crowded hallways of Massapequa High School. It is 7:25 a.m. and everyone is rushing to get to class on time. Then, a noise pops up. The speakers announce to the whole school that WMHS is ready to play their song for the day. The music starts, and the day begins.

The WMHS Radio Club has been bringing MHS students music every morning for at least the past ten years. Each Wednesday after school, devoted students meet in room 131 to go through request forms and pick songs to play for the following school week.

Spearheaded by English and Broadcasting I and II teacher Mr. Terence Mulholland, the club has continued to flourish this school year.

Each day of the week is matched to a certain theme, including Top Hits Monday, R&B Tuesday, Theme Song/Cultural Appreciation Wednesday, Throwback Thursday, and Rock ‘n’ Roll/Request Fridays. The days, of course, are flexible to play whatever song is requested.

The radio club isn’t confined to just mornings. For holidays, the students plan all day music to celebrate the holiday spirit and play these songs in  between class periods with fun scripts to go along with them.

During Halloween and the Christmas and Hanukkah season, we add to the festive spirit by playing music between periods, but our favorite day of the year is Valentine’s Day,” Mr. Mulholland said. “On this day, we play music between periods and sell radiograms so students can send a shout out to their sweethearts.”

Students who aren’t part of the club can get involved as well. Blank request forms are located right outside of the studio and after they are filled out, students can put them back in the folder.

One of the most attractive parts of this club is how stress free and fun it is. Music is always playing while picking songs, and students are introduced to new genres and songs by their peers.

“We listen to and talk about music; it is a stress free club. A big benefit of the club is that we have the opportunity to choose the music that is played in the morning,” Mr. Mulholland said. “Students are also able to write scripts and go “on air,” if they like. Finally, it is a fantastic way for students to meet new friends with similar interests.”

While many students believe the club goes hand-in-hand with the Broadcasting classes, the club is open to anyone. No prior knowledge of broadcasting is required, and students end up learning useful skills if they decide they want to take the class the next school year.

“The best part about being in WMHS is just the creativity and collaboration with great people. We all have such cool ideas and music tastes it all just kind of blends together,” senior and club member Chris Prystupa said. “There’s no better feeling than having a song play in the morning and having everyone jam out to it knowing ‘Hey, that was me.’”

The club will also be sending out a Google Form for students in the coming weeks to directly tell members what they do and do not want to hear in the morning.

“If someone was to ask me how to get involved in a club, I’d say come down to room 131 on Wednesday’s… I don’t know any other club that operates like this but, if you’re just looking to get into a club and find some friends, head to a meeting and see if you like it,” Chris said.

Broadcasting club is a fun filled environment and new members are always welcome to every meeting.

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