Pasta parties: good for team morale, but are they healthy?


Jessica J. Trevino // MCT Campus

Sports teams at MHS have been participating in pasta parties for years.

Pasta parties are a beloved tradition among many sports teams at Massapequa High School.  They began as a method of encouraging teammate bonding and include the added bonus of providing the perfect occasion to “carbo-load” before a big game or meet.  

Despite the continuing positive reception of pasta parties in Massapequa, nutritional science is beginning to disagree with the idea that the longstanding custom provides athletes with the fuel they need when they must perform at their best.

Traditional pasta parties feature a teammate, usually a captain or a co-captain, as the host.  The host is to provide their hospitality, paper-goods, cutlery, condiments, and, of course, the pasta.  Meatballs, though not a significant source of carbohydrates, remain a popular addition to the feast.

Bread and salad are typically provided as a side dish. Bread, a major source of carbohydrates, functions similarly to the pasta in that the carbohydrates will provide long-term energy for the athletes continuing ideal performance the following day.

Salad aids athletes in consuming their daily servings of fruits and vegetables and contain an abundance of fiber, which will help athletes feel fuller on game day, contributing to a higher caliber of performance throughout the entire game.  

Caffeine-free beverages, such as water, caffeine-free soft drinks and juice are typically provided at pasta parties. This is perhaps due to negative stigmas surrounding athletic performance and caffeine.   Experts continue to conduct experiments, studies, and trials to ascertain if the effects of caffeine, true or perceived, are more harmful or beneficial.

On the other hand. those who oppose caffeine note three major arguments.  First, caffeine consumption can lead to dehydration.  Without drinking an equal quantity of water, athletes can become dehydrated during their games or meets, which will adversely impact performance.  

Second, caffeine can induce a nervous stomach.  Third, consuming too much caffeine will create an addiction.  The withdrawal symptoms, headaches and nausea, are more detrimental to performance than the actual effects of caffeine consumption.

Additionally, desserts, although lacking in nutritional value, are sure to make an appearance at many pasta parties. Desserts are high in simple carbohydrates and sugars, which may induce quick bursts of energy but do little to contribute to the sustained energy that would benefit athletes the next day.    

Aside from being the location of energy-rich food, pasta parties play another vital role— team bonding.  With the effort that goes into planning and executing a lively pasta party, teammates inadvertently begin to form the foundations of trust and respect,  thus bolstering the relationships they need in place whether the team wins or loses.

“Before every game, no matter what, we had a pasta party.  Rain or shine, we took the opportunity to not only eat anything and everything we saw, but also bond with our teammates,” junior Robyn Bruechert, who is on the girls soccer team, said. “None of us would ever miss a pasta party because we genuinely love each other’s company.  The comradery coupled with the amazing food made for a truly unbelievable experience.  Nothing compares,” Pasta parties obviously worked for “The Tribe,”  as they recently won  the State Championship on the weekend of November 13-15.

Despite these advantages to pasta parties, nutritional scientists now advocate a “low-carb, high-fat diet” to make sure athletes may perform at their maximum level. Healthy fats include products high in unsaturated and low in saturated fat.  This diet would generally include “85% fat” and next to no carbohydrates because this ration generates ketones, molecules that speed up the conversion process of “fat into fatty acids” and decreases the amount of time until the athlete may utilize the fat.

The fact remains that pasta parties are an excellent source of team morale, but holding the parties while serving healthy high-fat foods such as avocados, eggs, and nuts instead of pasta may put the team on the path to more wins and encourage healthy eating habits among high school and college athletes.

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