Mr. McCaw soars into his new position as Executive Assistant

Kalleigh Regan // The Chief

Mr. Jordan McCaw is the new Executive Assistant to the principal.

There’s a new sheriff in town… well, assistant sheriff.

With a new year comes new people— this school year brings Mr. Jordan McCaw into the General Office. Although Mr. McCaw has been working at the Main Campus for almost ten years in various departments, his new position as Executive Assistant to the principal will ensure that everyone at MHS knows him.

Since 2003, Mr. McCaw has been working within the Massapequa School district in all different types of positions. Between 2003 and 2012, he worked in the English department, teaching high school students at both the Ames Campus and the Main Campus.

In 2012, he became the supervisor of secondary education and was responsible for all students with special needs. He worked with teachers in a program within the special education department called the “The Life Skills Program,” which he also supervised.

As for his new job, he must supervise the instructional program in the building, support the district mission, and create a safe place for students to learn and explore. He is also the one who is responsible for creating schedules for the entire building, including students, and must move schedules around to fit the needs of students and staff.

During his college years, Mr. McCaw’s sophomore English professor encouraged him to think in a different light and completely shifted his perspective on English and literature. From then on, he wanted to change the lives of his students the way that his professor changed his life. As a result, it encouraged Mr. McCaw to pursue a career as an educator.

Mr. McCaw is not worried about his new responsibilities. Instead, he is truly is excited and hopeful. His past assignments consisted of supervising small, secluded programs; however, now he overlooks so much more and he will be able to oversee many new courses and meet new people that he would not have seen or met before this point. Although he loves what he did and who he worked with in his past positions, Mr. McCaw is very enthusiastic about changing things up.

“I understand that that this role is going to be challenging, but I am looking forward to embrace that challenge,” Mr. McCaw said.

The new executive-assistant has quite a few goals set for this upcoming school year and he is eager to achieve them. “I hope to continue to support an incredible group of educators so that they could continue to bring enthusiasm and opportunity to the classroom so students could be challenged and supported,” Mr. McCaw said.

He also wishes to introduce new and different coursework into the classroom, prepare students to compete for opportunities beyond high school, and give students the most meaningful experience they could get out of high school.

As far as opinions on our current state of education, Mr. McCaw believes that “all students should be pushed to meet their potential and supported while doing so.”

Although he seems to be excited about his new job, he really does miss being a teacher.

“There is absolutely nothing in this world better than being in a class with a group of students,” Mr. McCaw said,  “where you feel like the work you are doing is positively affecting their lives.”

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